Thank Your Lucky Stars It's Work-In-Progress!

Have a look at this C4D movie. It's WIP. I hope your machines can read a QuickTime with a MPEG-4 Video Track. I saved it as a ".mov" because the ".mp4" would cause you to automatically download it - as is still the case with the "thingy" two posts down. An added advantage is that the loop-setting is saved with the movie. Like I said, it's "Work-In-Progress", so I'll replace this movie a few times, probably. OH, AND IF MY SISTER IS READING THIS: " het wordt hieronder heus veel leuker, hoor, dus ik zou toch maar verder lezen."
Ondanks dat het WIP is, toch al behoorlijk tof geanimeerd!
by the way, hoe krijg je die externe links zo leuk onder elkaar in de sidebar? Bij mij gaan ze op een hoopje staan, kijk maar op twigtjunior
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