counter easy hit Luepp - A Digital Storyteller's Notepad: juni 2005

woensdag, juni 22, 2005

The Demiourgos

We have been working on a DVD project for Leiden University all week. While the main team was shooting footage in the fair city of Leiden, I have been busy constructing the universe. This C4D universe expands around the figure of The Great Unmoved Mover, the Demiourgos, Plato's Architect of the Universe, i.e. William Blake's "The Ancient of Days" (1794).

We needed something to go with an exposé that also touches on the Intelligent Design theory of evolution. (This strange reversal to medieval thought is all very "hip" these days.() I remembered Blake's image of the God-like Engineer from my days as a student at the Art History Department of the Amsterdam Free University. The "story" of the shot is that we see our world from a Communications Satellite-like perspective and zoom out to see the Demiourgos at work. Pretty straight-forward and great fun. Of course, there is not much time, so it will all remain rather sketchy and somewhat carelessly stylized. I am nevertheless quite happy about the first results. (I am rendering out my first run as we "speak".)

(•) Let us hope that the present Renaissance of Medieval Philosophy & Theology is spent before I am required to construct C4D projects featuring flat planets!)

donderdag, juni 16, 2005

Wat is Batman toch waard zonder Robin?

Jawel, deze ouwe sok is weer hip aan het Flashen!! Nu voor het werkstuk van een meisje dat ik ken. Robin, het sympathieke roodborstje. Dat niet eens bang is voor vleermuizen. Maar wel voor de poes.
Bekijk anders ook het schaalbare plaatje.

woensdag, juni 15, 2005

We DVDid It Again!

"Valori Bollati"

Courtesy Of Mr. Hiro Yamashita

Weapons Of Mass Production

Plain English Is Still Greek To Me

Attention To Detail


Rich Media

Available From A Store Not Quite Near You

Add To Shopping Basket

Yes, off course we are proud!

(Cross-Posted From Workstation Weblog)

dinsdag, juni 07, 2005

Fokker D21 Still Flying

From time to time I expand on my D21 aeroplane model or its environment. At the moment I am experimenting with the Environment Object and with Motion Blur, Emitter and Pyrocluster effects. Things are not going particularly well. It is difficult to tweak the Motion Blurs. And the puffs of smoke are still far too artificial. But I did manage to provide my D21 model with Blue paint on its lower parts (big deal) and I have somewhat improved the modelling of the wings. I may want to redo the thing in the near future (which will be a good exercise). So much for idle talk.

De Wijsheid van de Kabelaar

Nog een mijlpaal in de Grote Transitie. De Kabelaars trekken, inderdaad, kabels. Veel kabels. HD video kabels. En audio kabels. En, gekker nog, Fiber Channel kabels. Gekker, omdat we die jaren geleden toch hadden afgezworen na het Transoft debacle. (Optimisten.)

Inmiddels deelt ook Madonna in de wijsheid van de kabelaar: rustig trekken, dan breekt het lijntje niet.

En we danken natuurlijk onze Grote Belgische Vriend Gerbrand de Ridder voor zijn Grote Kennis en Inzet. Dankzij hem is De Grote Transitie weer een Grote Stap vooruit gekomen. (En de Auteur van dit stukje houdt inderdaad van Hoofdletters.)

Kruispost van Workstation Weblog.