counter easy hit Luepp - A Digital Storyteller's Notepad: februari 2005

vrijdag, februari 25, 2005

Thank Your Lucky Stars It's Work-In-Progress!

Have a look at this C4D movie. It's WIP. I hope your machines can read a QuickTime with a MPEG-4 Video Track. I saved it as a ".mov" because the ".mp4" would cause you to automatically download it - as is still the case with the "thingy" two posts down. An added advantage is that the loop-setting is saved with the movie. Like I said, it's "Work-In-Progress", so I'll replace this movie a few times, probably. OH, AND IF MY SISTER IS READING THIS: " het wordt hieronder heus veel leuker, hoor, dus ik zou toch maar verder lezen."

maandag, februari 21, 2005

Touching Bass

The Ibanez Artcore AGB 140 sounds great and plays very well - better than me, in fact. And the Behringer Thunderbird Sx108 was a great find, too! Don't they just look good together?

Charged Chocolate Can be Scary

I have experimented a little in Cinema 4D with lights and textures to produce an "exploding thingy" which does not seem to correspond to anything in the known parts of the universe but which may perhaps best be taken to resemble a new quite scary kind of charged chocolate. I wanted to get the animation's rhythm right and make the QT movie loopable. Shoot!

"Best Served in a Glass"

Some of the people who attended the Workstation "borrel" at Bedier's last week, were wondering what the label featured on the invitation read. So, responding to popular demand, we are proud to reproduce the labels! For the front label, see the image below.

As for the back label, this is it:

donderdag, februari 10, 2005

This message will self-destruct, eventually (Waanders)

It never did. Have a look at the Crew Souvenir of the Waanders commercial Shoot. Photography by Bjarne Woortman. But I am afraid it has turned into quite a large Quicktime movie (about 5MB).

maandag, februari 07, 2005

Crosby & Nash in Paradiso

(Foto van Buzz Person zonder toestemming "geleend" van de site Ik heb overigens het gastenboek getekend).

Ik geloof dat het Miles Davis was die zei dat er maar twee soorten muziek bestonden: goede en slechte muziek. Ik weet wat we vorige week in Paradiso hebben gehoord. De band van Crosby & Nash speelde Oud & Nieuw werk en alles was even goed. De harmonieën waren natuurlijk geweldig. Maar het kwam mij vooral over als echte, ware, pure gitaarmuziek. En de grootste gitaarheld was Dean Parks. Weet je nog waarom je Steely Dan vroeger zo goed vond?

De nieuwe CD is in één woord geweldig. Van harte aanbevolen.

vrijdag, februari 04, 2005

"My Funny Valentine" Part One

This is where I have placed a password protected PDF containing the invitation to the upcoming Workstation event called "My Funny Valentine". Hint: "Doggies".