This is a preliminary report. Check back soon for a first batch of photos taken by Huib Lirb, a poor photographer who only made some snapshots which were almost invariably out of focus (thank you, thank you). Please note that these photographs are in no way a precursor to the proper photographs which were taken by the proper photographer Rob van der Vet, whom we proudly welcomed aboard last sunday. For now, then, inofficial kiekjes!
Meanwhile, we can give you an updated preview of the video content, so to speak, in the shape of a collage which is vaguely reminiscent of the C4D simulations-collage posted earlier. Call this a "Four Cams" view - it's an export from the 844/X suite without colour correction. (The originals are obviously crisp.) These images were shot by, starting from the upper left and listing clockwise, (1) Maarten Verstraete, (2) Max Rauch, (3) Marco Nauta (dolly grip André Plug), and (4) Tom Driesen (crane grip Onno Perdijk). These people have truly done a great job - their work is being edited as we speak. See the intended preview below.

P.S. Of course, many others have contributed to the shoot. Thus, Lieke Scholman and Vera van de Sandt helped to eliminate the unwanted austerity of the room, creating greater variations in depth and colour, and of course physically "masked" off voids and problem spots caused by the scatter and clutter of equipment, using furniture, carpets, plants and members of the audience. Gerard Stam lit the set beautifully and effectively. Seren Senel (Make-Up and Hair) made sure the cameras would love the musicians. They, too, have done a very good job. As did the others at production (Joeri Visser, Hugo van Woerden, Shyam Vreeswijk, Stef Brandenburg), sound (Frank Burks and Rob Aarden), direction (John Twigt, Jesse Faber and, if the present author is allowed to include himself to exhaust the crew list, Huib Lirb), and audiovisual documentation (Rob van der Vet and Wilfred Evers). But we will have more to say about the production at a later stage.

Oh, and of course, we would have absolutely nothing to show if it were not for the musicians: Marc van Roon (piano), Frans van der Hoeven (bass), and Roy Dackus (drums). We thank them for a great performance. You'll find them at their website (http://www.europeanjazztrio.com/). Here's another still frame exported from the 844/X - you'll note that it now seems that I mistook Frans for a left-handed bassplayer when I produced the C4D simulations. Ha!

(Cross-Posted from the Workstation Weblog.)